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Implementando Software Asset Management (SAM)

What is Software Asset Management?

SAM Mindmap

THE Software Asset Management or “Software Asset Management SAM” was little known in our country and many IT professionals confused it with Software Asset Management and software vendor auditing.

However, the CIO.com Channel shows that SAM supports companies to reduce the risks of Software audits, improve the life cycles of IT assets and promote the reduction of information technology costs.

So that you don't have any more questions about this matter, we have listed 8 reasons to implement this solution and how it can help you.

1- Good Corporate Governance

An corporate governance Effectiveness starts with three basic steps: inventorying (software inventory) your IT assets, identifying the risks (software compliance) to your business, and mitigating them before they impact.

SAM can help you identify the business and compliance risks associated with software management (or lack thereof).

With the software lifecycle and establishing a set of well-defined best practices that help ensure consistent management of these IT assets across the organization.

2- Reduce/eliminate waste and software redundancy

With Asset Management, buy only what you need, measuring software usage according to each profile. Overlapping, non-integrated and outdated applications are simply difficult to manage. SAM gives you the information you need to make the best use of your software assets and pay only for what you use, reducing IT costs.

A thorough and constant reconciliation can reveal software overlap, as well as software that you no longer use and can disable but still maintain.

SAM therefore allows you to reduce/eliminate maintenance plans and additional payments for software you no longer use, making effective asset management.

3- Save by volume when purchasing Software

SAM can help you save money when you buy your licenses software, improve relationships with your software resellers and give you an edge in future negotiations. These and other benefits are possible because a fully implemented software asset management plan gives you a better understanding of what types of licenses—and how many—your company has purchased and deployed, and which ones you are actually using and therefore need.

Should you buy PC-to-PC or can you save through volume licensing (software licensing)?

Your SAM (SAM process) plan will give you the insight to help you make effective decisions for your organization's particular needs, whether implementing a license optimization process or even choosing a Discovery Tool (SAM) SAM Tool).

4- Greater control of goals and indicators

A good SAM plan helps you avoid liability/management loopholes by ensuring your license agreement is in compliance and helps prevent any potential harm from software misuse as well as purchases without approval authority.

SAM can also help you achieve compliance with ISO 19770 Standard and ITIL, which require rigorous standards of information technology governance and controls.

5- Greater team satisfaction

A good SAM plan gives your employees the right tools they need to work. Smooth software and IT systems that work as they should result not only in greater efficiency, but also better overall employee motivation.

6- More efficient operations and support

Initially, by providing better automation (operations management) and standardization processes to help reduce licensing complexity (license manager), SAM optimizes your software and IT resources and allows you to focus on running your business.

Infrastructure Optimization can take your business from an unmanaged reactive state to a proactive, optimized and dynamic state. You also have more peace of mind by making sure your software is genuine, not pirated. This provides an extra layer of security and efficiency than software.

7- Greater value for business areas

Implementing SAM can increase your organization's agility and increase its future value by ensuring that you make strategic use of resources in times of changing business conditions.

With uniform and effective SAM practices in place, your business is more efficient and can respond quickly to market conditions and opportunities.

Following the best practices in your SAM plan results in better decision-making information at a higher level of operational excellence, ultimately driving long-term business value.

8- Planned and managed growth

SAM gives you better insight into your future software needs and provides a scalable foundation for growth.

Instead of purchasing all the latest software and updates available (eg, Databases), you can decide exactly what software is needed and when, in accordance with Software Usage. With SAM, you can plan your future needs, now.

Gerenciar ativos de TI

Major SAM Platforms

Flexera Software: Flexera Software was a global leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant in the years 2018 and 2019 in Software Asset Management solutions (Software Asset Management SAM) and Software License Optimization. Its solutions allow companies to gain visibility and control of IT assets.

ServiceNow: ServiceNow has been investing heavily in its Software Asset Management platform and, therefore, in 2021 it can already be considered one of the main Software Asset Management platforms in the world market, especially after the release of Release Roma.

Snow Software: Founded in Stockholm in 1997, Snow Software has rapidly evolved into a market leader and the largest dedicated developer of software asset management and cloud management tools. Today, it offers a comprehensive set of cloud, software, hardware and infrastructure solutions for organizations around the world.

Gartner closes publication of the Magic Quadrant for SAM Platforms

In February 2021 Gartner decided not to continue with the Magic Quadrant for SAM tools – instead replacing it with a less in-depth “market guide”, meaning there will be no more ranking or competition for positions to the various tools and, therefore, there will be no more “top right” or leader quadrant fights – at least not in this category.

The ITAM review believes that a new Magic Quadrant will emerge over time – one that seeks to combine SAM tools, SaaS management, and IaaS management.

See the last quadrant that was published in July 2020:


If you liked this type of content and want to know more about software cost management, IT governance and how to optimize processes within your business, check out other posts in our Blog.

We have a lot of tips and information that you may find useful, and if you have any questions, please contact us. Our qualified team is ready to answer all your questions!

Did you know that 4Matt Tecnologia's team of consultants are PIONEERS in Software Asset Management in Brazil? Contact us

Tags: SAM Tools, Enterprise SAM, License Management, SAM Process, SAM Program, Asset Management ITAM, software products, cycle management, meet your business, sam processes, software assets, document management, software licenses, configuration management, license inventory ,software license,license management,business strategy,business partners,download center,software licensing,enterprise sam,software compliance,databases,license agreement, software inventory,request management,customer service,software vendor, asset management, license manager, license optimization, sam program, sam tool, sam managed, software inventories, sam tools, asset management, itam, sam software asset management, software license, cost control, license metrics, international business, sam processes, vendor relationships, software license optimization, snow license manager, technical support, implementing software asset management, snow inventory, software asset management tools, license agreements, sql server, software assets, cost savings, saas management, corporate world, software products, software spend, software costs , software vendors, license inventory, Download Center, Software Inventories, Request Management, Flexera, ServiceNow SAM Pro serviceNow, site is protected, snow optimizer for sap, sam software system center license position ensure compliance configuration manager discovery and inventory sam guide request demo asset discovery inventory tracking lifecycle management software assets sam tool sam tools software license snow license manager software license optimization technical support international business license agreement software vendor software licensing software inventory vendor relationships enterprise sam site is protected snow inventory business strategy cloud software sql server corporate world cost savings license management sam program snow optimizer for sap software asset management tools software vendors license inventory saas management software products sam processes ServiceNow Software Asset Management FINops optimize software technology management managed cloud active directory software metering reduce costs microsoft sccm license management reducing costs system center configuration manager ensure compliance optimizer for sap software cloud management software licenses operations management lifecycle management sam software contact us request demo asset discovery asset management software it operations hybrid cloud management it management software deployment usage measurement awards and recognitions jamf pro technology management system center configuration manager active directory software management reduce costs optimize software managed cloud license management, management tool, software applications, inventory tools, cloud automation, contract management, software requests, google cloud platform, low code, microsoft azure, managing and optimizing , business continuity, digital workplace, software audit, google cloud, vendor management, spend management, software assets, cloud platform, license agreements, license compliance, international organization, software license management, risks associated, software audits, optimize your software, software lifecycle, saves money, implementing software asset management, software deployment, hybrid cloud, software costs, software spend


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