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COBIT 2019

ITAM – IT Asset Management

SaaS Management


SaaS Management: Where to start?

The Software as a Service (SaaS) business model has become popular in recent years, especially due to platforms like Netflix, HubSpot and DocuSign. An Overview of SaaS Software-as-a-service (SaaS) is a

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COBIT 2019: Configuration Management (BAI10) 

Managed Configuration Define and maintain descriptions and relationships between key features and capabilities required to deliver I&T-enabled services. Include gathering configuration information, establishing baselines, verifying and auditing

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COBIT 2019: Risk Management (APO12)

Managed Risk Continuously identify, assess and mitigate I&T-related risks within the tolerance levels established by the company's executive management. Objective Integrate I&T-related enterprise risk management with

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COBIT 2019: Contract Management (APO09)

Managed Service Agreements Align I&T-enabled products and services and service levels with business needs and expectations, including identifying, specifying, designing, publishing, agreeing and monitoring products and services

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