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Digital Transformation: Impacts for Business

Transformação digital

In 1965, Intel co-founder Gordon E. Moore wrote an article for Electronic Magazine that would become prophetic. In the text he pointed out that every 18 months the number of transistors on chips would increase by 100%. That means increasing processing power – it's called Moore's law. Fast forward to 2019 and we are in full Digital Transformation.

The phenomenon can be considered as one of the results of Moore's prophecy being fulfilled. Well, thanks to technological evolution, we now have resources capable of improving the most varied services. In this scenario, the tools developed for Information Technology have become a competitive advantage.

The IT infrastructure itself has been impacted by the process, incorporating from simple elements, such as social media, to Big Data and Machine Learning. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence are also part of the mix. In this article, you will discover the impacts that this transformation has been bringing to companies.

Digital Transformation: the customer experience will never be the same

You've probably noticed that many companies invest in actions that involve extended reality and other interactive features. More than just a fad, these ideas are based on a solid market trend. Basically what happens is that customers don't just want to pay for services and products.

What they really consume today are experiences. This means that the way a company meets the demands of its consumer audience is changing drastically. With the growing mobility and adoption of IoT this phenomenon is only going to intensify.

To be able to adapt, companies need to know their audience in depth. And it is the digital data that allow us to understand the habits and anxieties of these individuals. Therefore, marketing and development of solutions will feed on Big Data and other sources capable of generating personalized answers.

Operational improvements and deep changes

If the customer will be served better and better in this scenario, it won't be just because of the data collected. After all, business processes will be optimized. In addition to increasing the tasks that can be automated, more technological resources will be impacting the customer's purchase journey.

With so many tools available, Digital Transformation ends up eliminating any activity that excessively consumes your employees' time. Especially repetitive and bureaucratic tasks are now under the charge of intelligent tools. Because of this, it is natural that the productivity of teams will also increase.

We must also consider that, although it requires investments, technology tends to reduce costs. Whether because of the performance gains or the waste that is eliminated. Regarding this last topic, we cannot forget that digital tools came to create a scenario without errors and reworks.

Going further: quantum computing

The impacts mentioned in the previous topics are the main ones when we touch on the subject of this article. It does not mean, of course, that they are the only possibilities. Currently, there is talk of the arrival of resources such as quantum computing on the market. At an early stage, this technology promises unique predictive analytics that will help companies make strategic decisions.

Regardless of which technological resource is adopted, Digital Transformation will change current business models themselves. You can delve a little deeper into the subject by checking our article on the importance of technology for medium and large companies.

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