4Matt Technology

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Top 5 Cyber Threats in Your Business

Along with technological transformations are the problems that may arise with its use. You don't need to be from the IT (Information Technology) area or a Cybersecurity specialist to know how exposed companies today are to cyber threats aimed at stealing information. Therefore, the

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Digital Transformation: Impacts for Business

In 1965, Intel co-founder Gordon E. Moore wrote an article for Electronic Magazine that would become prophetic. In the text he pointed out that every 18 months the number of transistors on chips would increase by 100%. This means an increasing processing capacity – it’s called the law

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Cost control: how to apply in the IT sector?

Every company seeks to control costs. However, this must be done with great care. Cutting costs in the wrong way can present big problems in the future, for example, eliminating tools that could be essential. So, to do this more safely, check out how to apply cost control

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IT Governance: Everything You Need to Know About It

IT governance is a fundamental corporate resource to ensure excellent management in your company's technology sector. From there, it is possible to guarantee security and activate control mechanisms in relation to all company data, optimizing operational flows and improving the process of

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How to improve my IT environment

If there is one point on which CIOs and managers agree without blinking, it is that IT performance must be improved. With this, we maintain an agile and efficient sector, capable of facing the high competitiveness of the market. Aiming for this objective, however, does not prevent many from asking themselves “How to improve my environment

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How does the cloud support backup processes?

There is no doubt about the growing popularity of the cloud in backup processes, conducted by companies' IT departments. Much of this is due to the variety of benefits provided by the cloud. Whoever manages an IT department needs to ensure that everything is working in perfect sync. When necessary, all

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6 Myths and Truths About Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is one of the most valuable IT resources today and several companies are turning to the cloud as a way to survive in this time of Covid-19 crisis. These companies today seek solutions such as databases, web applications, virtual machines, remote servers and cloud storage. However, there are

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5 advantages that the use of cloud computing can bring to your business

According to a Gartner study, by 2020, global investments in cloud computing will reach an incredible 411 billion dollars. The cloud now supports traditional e-commerces such as Magazine Luiza, VTex and Amazon, as well as industries, medical centers and transport companies. In this article, we will list the advantages that using cloud computing can bring

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