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COBIT 2019

COBIT 2019: Service Security Management (DSS05)

What is security management with COBIT 2019 and how to apply DSS05 Managed Security Service – Protect company information to maintain the level of information security risk acceptable to the company in accordance with the security policy. Objective Minimize the business impact of

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COBIT 2019: Delivery, Service and Support (DSS)

DSS: (Deliver, service and support) is a pillar of the COBIT framework and consists of the following structure: 01 Managed Operations 02 Managed Service Requests and Incidents 03 Managed Problems 04 Managed Continuity 05 Managed Security Services 06 Managed Business Process Controls DSS01 : Managed operations Coordinate and execute

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COBIT 2019: Configuration Management (BAI10) 

Managed Configuration Define and maintain descriptions and relationships between key resources and capabilities required to provide I&T-enabled services. Include collects configuration information, establishing baselines, verifying and auditing configuration information, and updating the configuration repository. Objective Provide sufficient information about service assets to

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COBIT 2019: Asset Management (BAI09)

Managed Assets Manage I&T assets throughout their lifecycle to ensure their use provides value at an optimal cost, remains operational (fit for purpose), and is accounted for and physically protected. Ensure that assets that are critical to supporting service capacity are reliable

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COBIT 2019: Build, Acquire and Implement (BAI)

Parent Process Reference Framework (PRF): COBIT 01 Managed Programs 02 Managed Requirements Definition 03 Managed Solutions Identification and Construction 04 Managed Availability and Capacity 05 Managed Organizational Change 06 Managed IT Changes 07 Managed Change Acceptance and Transition 08 Knowledge Managed 09 Assets

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COBIT 2019: Risk Management (APO12)

Managed Risk Identify, evaluate and continually reduce I&T-related risks within tolerance levels established by the company's executive management. Objective Integrate I&T-related enterprise risk management with overall enterprise risk management (ERM) and balance the costs and benefits of I&T management.

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COBIT 2019: Supplier Management (APO10)

Managed Vendors Manage IT-related products and services from all types of vendors to meet business requirements. This includes supplier sourcing and selection, relationship management, contract management, and reviewing and monitoring supplier performance and ecosystem (including the supply chain

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COBIT 2019: Contract Management (APO09)

Managed Service Agreements Align I&T-enabled products and services and service levels with enterprise needs and expectations, including identifying, specifying, designing, publishing, agreeing and monitoring I&T products and services, service levels and performance indicators. Objective Ensure that products, services and

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COBIT 2019: Budget and cost management (APO06)

Managed Budget and Cost Manage I&T-related financial activities across business and IT functions, encompassing budgeting, cost and benefit management, and prioritization of spending through the use of formal budgeting practices and a fair and equitable cost allocation system for the enterprise . Consult the parties

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COBIT 2019: Align, Plan and Organize (APO)

Parent Process Reference Framework (PRF): COBIT 2019 Align, Plan, and Organize the COBIT domain contains the following processes: 01 Managed IT Management Framework. 02 Managed strategy. 03 Managed Enterprise Architecture. 04 Managed Innovation. 05 Managed Portfolio. 06 Managed budget and costs. 07 Managed Resources

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