4Matt Technology

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Microsoft Teams Free – Covid-19

As more people and organizations around the world are affected by the COVID-19 outbreak, Microsoft will help organizations stay connected with employees and business partners, even when people may need to work remotely. Microsoft Teams is a tool that offers a conversational experience

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What is cloud storage

Cloud storage is one of the technological trends that we see gaining the market. The practicality of this system allows companies to improve productivity and save money. In the wake of digital changes changing the market, cloud storage has been one of the first significant changes. According to Gartner research,

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Azure: All About Microsoft Cloud

Technology is gaining more and more space in the globalized market and companies from all segments are beginning to integrate software into their systems that can promote practicality and improvement in their data storage operations, as well as greater control over data management processes. company. As

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IT Infrastructure: 5 Tips to Succeed in Building Your Company

Information Technology has become a preponderant element in the business world in recent decades. Today, even those companies that do not offer technological solutions need systems and computers for their operations. Of course, deploying and managing an IT infrastructure is not that simple. I was thinking about it

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What is AWS: All About Amazon Cloud

Known as Amazon Web Services, AWS is a tool provided by Amazon to offer IT infrastructure services. Since 2006, the service has used cloud computing to bring this solution in a way that fits within companies' pockets, and can help both small and large businesses.

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04 Trends in Cloud strategies for 2020

2020 is already at the door and the new year begins with a resolution in our lives: whatever goal you set for technology in your company in 2020, it will involve some cloud environment, be it AWS, Azure, Google Cloud or Oracle Cloud. That's why

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IT infrastructure is important for business success

It can be said today that the heart of a company is, in addition to finance and sales, the Information Technology and Innovation area. IT is at the center of everything, ensuring that it develops its processes and tasks efficiently and productively, as it needs to be in a market

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