4Matt Technology


Managing costs with AWS Cost Categories

We know that not all companies have a Cloud Management platform to support day-to-day cloud governance or FinOps. So this is one of the articles that support you to use native AWS features like AWS Cost Explorer, AWS Budgets, and Cost and

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Comparing Amazon S3 vs Glacier

Amazon Simple Storage Service, or better known as Amazon S3, is an object storage service (cloud storage) that offers scalability, availability, security and performance. Amazon S3 Glacier (Glacier Storage) and S3 Glacier Deep Archive are cloud storage classes aimed at files used

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AWS Cost Reduction

No different with AWS cloud services, companies are increasingly receiving public cloud bills 2X to 3X times above expectations. This does not mean that moving to the public cloud is a mistake, the mistake may be in not seeking Reduction

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What is AWS: All About Amazon Cloud

Known as Amazon Web Services, AWS is a tool provided by Amazon to offer IT infrastructure services. Since 2006, the service has used cloud computing to bring this solution in a way that fits within companies' pockets, and can help both small and large businesses.

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Comparing Savings Plans with AWS RI's Reserves

Currently, the most common way to save money from your infrastructure on Amazon AWS, in addition to structuring a Cloud Center of Excellence, is through reserved instances (RIs), let's talk today about AWS Savings Plans. RI's were made for companies that already know that they will use large

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