4Matt Technology

SaaS Management

Microsoft SPLA versus BYOL

In the ever-evolving landscape of information technology, cloud computing has established itself as a powerful solution for businesses of all sizes. When moving to the cloud, organizations face the crucial decision of how to manage and license their software. Two common options in this scenario are

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FinOps: The Path to Efficient Cost Management in the Cloud

In recent years, efficiently managing cloud spend has become a priority for organizations of all sizes. In this scenario, FinOps emerges as a crucial methodology for optimizing cloud costs and promoting operational efficiency. In this article, we will explore what FinOps is, why its adoption

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Cloud Governance: What is it? Where to start?

Cloud computing is an increasingly important resource for companies to be competitive and connected with good management practices. On the other hand, this technology will only add value to the business if there is a focus on implementing cloud governance. After all, it is necessary to adopt procedures

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How FinOps can improve your company's financial management

Managing financial and technological resources appropriately is a constant challenge for corporations. And this mainly covers the management of investments made in public cloud computing. For companies to have a broader view of the results obtained with cloud computing, FinOps emerged. Its about

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Microsoft SCCM and End of Life

To avoid running outdated and unsupported versions of Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager (formerly System Center Configuration Manager or SCCM), we present an overview of everything you need to know about end-of-life versions of SCCM. Keep your network secure and update

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Cloud FinOps, ITAM and the move to the cloud

The last few years working in the cloud have taught us not to trust future spending estimates. If public cloud spending in 2025 reaches US$917 billion (Gartner), US$809 billion (IDC) or a mere US$692 billion (Veritis), there is no arguing that the move to public cloud

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As IT spending shifts to the cloud, ITAM must evolve

As IT spending shifts to the cloud, ITAM must evolve. In this article, we explore insights for ITAM from key findings from Flexera's Tech Spend Pulse 2022, where top priorities for technology initiatives continue to focus on digital transformation, cybersecurity, and cloud/cloud migration.

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SaaS proliferation is more than a financial problem

When we look for software to support our daily work, users today have more options than ever before. But with this freedom comes a whole new set of challenges for IT teams. At the beginning of the pandemic, companies made extraordinary efforts to remain active and, above all, productive. The strength of

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Shadow IT: how does it impact your company?

When employees perform certain actions or insist on certain solutions without the knowledge of the IT department, we call this shadow IT. In any sector of a company, the IT world needs to impose certain access rules so that everything works accordingly. When Shadow IT occurs, it is

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