4Matt Technology

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Snow Commander (former Embotics Commander)

Snow Software, a leader in Gartner's Magic Quadrant for Software Asset Management (SAM) and Cloud Management Platform CMP, acquired Embotics, a hybrid cloud management company based in Austin, Texas, in December 2019. USA. Now the Cloud Automation product

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Managing costs with AWS Cost Categories

We know that not all companies have a Cloud Management platform to support day-to-day cloud governance or FinOps. So this is one of the articles that support you to use native AWS features like AWS Cost Explorer, AWS Budgets, and Cost and

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IT Governance must be driven by Corporate Governance

In times of remote work, the information technology area is under even more pressure to release services such as Remote Office, E-commerce, among others, each time increasingly faster. This speed creates super pressure on IT managers regarding processes and best practices

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Senate approves postponement of LGPD sanctions to August 2021

As already foreseen even before Covid-19, the senate today unanimously approved the postponement of the application of sanctions linked to the General Data Protection Law (LGPD), which deals with the processing and protection of personal data. In a remote session held today, Friday, April 3, parliamentarians decided that

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New Microsoft 365

Microsoft today began the first phase of changing the names of its Office products for Microsoft 365, starting with personal products (Personal) and family products (Family) and will soon reach all versions and editions. “Today, we announced Microsoft 365 Personal and Family Subscriptions, such as

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AWS Cost Reduction

No different with AWS cloud services, companies are increasingly receiving public cloud bills 2X to 3X times above expectations. This does not mean that moving to the public cloud is a mistake, the mistake may be in not seeking Reduction

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