4Matt Technology

Cloud Computing can provide numerous benefits to organizations. On the other hand, this only becomes viable from cloud management that focuses on planning and encompasses activities such as deployment and management of resources (servers, systems, databases, applications, among others).

Despite technological advances, it is common for institutions to make mistakes when deploying cloud computing due to the inexperience of IT managers. To avoid this situation, an alternative is to bet on a cloud management platform.

In this way, it is possible to count on a set of tools capable of managing a public cloud, private cloud or hybrid cloud environment. Ideally, this management should be done by a specialized partner that has the software licenses to use the resource administration platform.

With proper support, it is perfectly feasible for an organization to invest in new technology and keep expenses under control. In this article, we will highlight several points to have a better understanding of how to perform cloud management correctly and the benefits of this practice. Check out!

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Understand what cloud management is

This initiative consists of managing cloud resources according to organizational needs. For this task to be done with mastery, the recommendation is to hire a team specialized in managing and organizing the technological environment.

Thus, it is possible for the contracting organization to adopt the IT infrastructure with more flexibility and availability, which greatly contributes to the use of the cloud being aligned with demand. Another positive aspect of management is to provide a company with a focus on other strategic actions, since the management of the cloud is being carried out by a specialized and highly qualified team.

See how cloud management can be performed

THE cloud services management one of the goals is to execute all the administration and maintenance routines of the infrastructure linked to the cloud. This action covers the implementation of the services and the correction of incidents that may affect the availability of resources.

It is also worth noting that cloud management can involve the work of applying routine administration and disaster recovery. By performing these actions in an exemplary way, users will have more guarantees that data is being stored and protected according to the best practices of the IT market.

For cloud management to achieve good results, it is necessary to perform several activities, such as:

  • Administration of software licenses;
  • Resource allocation;
  • Availability analysis;
  • Evaluation and availability of VPNs;
  • Data backup;
  • Preparation and implementation of contingency plans and disaster recovery;
  • Database management;
  • Monitoring network resources and servers;
  • user support.

These services must be structured according to the organizational profile of the contracting party, that is, they must take into account internal processes and compliance rules. For the integration of cloud management to be properly carried out, it is valid to have an alignment with the institutional goals and with the legislation related to the contractor's segment of activity.

These practices are of great importance for services to be carried out with a high level of quality, which is essential to achieve remarkable performance and a return on investment in the short term.

Know good actions for cloud management

It is very important to be aware of the need to invest in technology capable of adding value to the business. However, it is necessary, before that, to have a vision of how to bet on cloud management with intelligence. With that in mind, we are going to point out vital initiatives for a high-level administration of cloud resources. Follow up!

  • Mapping objectives and critical points

One of the most frequent mistakes during the migration of services to the cloud is investing in subscriptions and acquisitions without having a full view of the corporate need. This problem is due to the focus or urgency for an agile transformation that brings almost immediate benefits. 

On the other hand, this posture can result in reduced productivity, lack of integration between systems and the wrong use of resources. The best way to avoid this scenario is to raise demands intelligently and use common sense when migrating to the cloud.

With a properly executed cloud management, it is possible to enjoy a series of benefits, such as:

1- Support from a qualified support;

2- Automation of important routines (data analysis, backups, etc.)

3- Decreased spending on technological assets;

4- Expansion of the data security level;

5- Data intelligence focused on improving performance;

6- More elasticity and scalability;

7- Optimization of production and administrative processes.

When looking at the advantages, it is valid to assess which are the most priority gains for the organization with cloud management. In this way, you can choose the best service provider and the ideal platform to achieve results as quickly as possible.

This initiative is very important for the migration to be properly executed. In addition, it contributes to greater organizational alignment, which greatly helps to minimize errors and achieve a consistent return on investment.

  • Analyze vendors according to the scenario

It is possible to find a provider that has the ideal features for cloud storage. In other cases, however, it is necessary to choose more than one provider to have high-level cloud services.

By correctly evaluating the services of providers, a company is better able to migrate to the cloud efficiently. For this to be achieved, it is valid to seek indications and even seek the support of consultancies to make the right choice and have better results in the future.

  • Prepare the IT team and other employees

Cloud management is undoubtedly a practice that provides excellent advantages, if done in an exemplary way. One of the reasons is that it enables the institution to be inserted in the digital transformation, which is very important to increase productivity and competitiveness.

On the other hand, it is necessary to prepare the IT team and other employees for the migration to the cloud to be properly performed. As a result, it is initially recommended to train employees in the Information Technology sector to use the new tools and create routine procedures aimed at optimizing services.

Another essential step is to prepare all users. In this case, it is recommended to make employees aware of the need to follow a culture of safety and focus on innovation. In this way, the gains with cloud storage and the use of tools, such as the database, will be increasing.

  • Bet on solutions with portability and compatibility

A crucial detail encompasses the fact that the investment in cloud solutions needs to take into account the possibility of choosing tools in better conditions with ease.

However, this scenario is only possible when the organization opts for tools that prioritize portability and compatibility with various models available in the market. In the case of containers and virtualization, it is necessary to evaluate whether it is feasible to migrate to another supplier in a simple way, if there is a more attractive offer in terms of economics and performance.

  • Invest in good cloud management software

As much as there is a focus on resource optimization, cloud computing requires the use of more than one solution. This aspect requires a close look at features such as database, virtualization, software-as-a-service licenses, and platforms.

The ideal is to make the most of the potential of these tools, which becomes fully viable with high-level cloud management. In some cases, the institution chooses to migrate to the public cloud to pay for usage only. This scenario makes it essential to use management software to control expenses and manage the budget correctly.

  • Embrace the benefits of managing cloud services

To really invest in cloud storage, it is necessary to analyze the advantages that this initiative provides. With that in mind, we are going to present positive factors of betting on a technology that is becoming increasingly relevant in the corporate world. Read with attention!

  • Specialized support

Good cloud management can only be achieved if you have the support of cloud computing specialists. After all, they are able to contribute not only to the configuration of services, but also to the adoption of governance practices focused on data security and resource optimization.

With a mindset focused on the continuous improvement of cloud computing services, this technology will be inserted into more processes and will help to raise the level of competitiveness in a consistent way.

  • High level performance

By having state-of-the-art support in cloud management, an organization can take a more strategic look at other actions that will really impact the way it interacts and wins over the target audience.

With simplified and agile administration of technological resources, it is much easier to design and implement efficient and innovative initiatives that will help to engage the audience and make them more faithful to the brand's values.

  • Decrease in expenses

It is definitely not easy to maintain a robust IT infrastructure that is within the best practices adopted by the market. This is one of the factors that have contributed to more organizations opting for cloud storage.

With efficient cloud management, it is possible to cut expenses, because there will be a reduction in expenses with internal staff, training and the acquisition of IT solutions. Another relevant factor is the possibility of obtaining a return in the short term by betting on a new way of managing Information Technology services.

  • Safety and reliability first

Keeping data protected in an exemplary way has become a matter of survival. In addition to economic issues, the focus on information security has become vital with the General Data Protection Act (LGPD), which sets fines of up to R$ 50 million in case of theft and leakage of information.

As cloud management follows IT industry best practices, the chances of an institution falling victim to massive cyberattacks are lower. Undoubtedly, this allows you to increase reliability and create a more positive connection with the target audience, a vital factor in increasing sales.

Undeniably, there are many benefits of investing in public cloud, private cloud and hybrid cloud. However, it is necessary to have a clear assessment of the organization's timing to choose the most advantageous cloud modality.

Learn about the advantages of using cloud management

By dispensing with a physical environment and being able to be accessed from anywhere, the cloud brings a series of benefits. Are they:

• Data security

Having company information stored in the cloud can be much more secure than keeping the information on a computer or even a flash drive. Remember that access is done by login and that only authorized people will be able to view the data.

• Mobility for the team

Having the information on a web server allows access from anywhere, which comes in handy with a new work model: the home office. That way, any member of the team has access to the data they need wherever they are.

• Sustainability on the rise

By enabling remote work, the company contributes to sustainability, a theme that is always on the rise, and helps to reduce impacts on the environment. Cloud computing reduces the need for paper, electricity costs, commuting, among others.

• Cost reduction

As the company grows, the demand for IT infrastructure continues at the same pace. Like cloud management, staff and equipment costs decrease. In this way, the company can grow without having to invest so many resources.

See how the Flexera search State of the Cloud 2021 demonstrates maturity in cloud and cost management:

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Cloud Management – A Little History

During the 1960s, the initial concepts of time-sharing became popular via RJE (Remote Job Entry); This terminology was mostly associated with large vendors like IBM and DEC . Full-time sharing solutions were available in the early 1970s on platforms such as Multics (on GE hardware), Cambridge CTSS, and early UNIX ports (on DEC hardware). However, the “data center” model where users submitted tasks for operators to execute on IBM mainframes was largely prevalent.

In the 1990s, telecommunications companies, which previously offered mainly dedicated point-to-point data circuits, began to offer virtual private network services (VPN) with comparable quality of service but at a lower cost. By rotating traffic as they saw fit to balance server usage, they could use overall network bandwidth more efficiently. They started using the cloud symbol to denote the demarcation point between what the provider was responsible for and what the users were responsible for. Cloud computing has extended this limit to cover all servers as well as the network infrastructure . As computers became more widespread, scientists and technologists explored ways to make large-scale computing power available to more users through timesharing. They experimented with algorithms to optimize infrastructure, platform and applications to prioritize CPUs and increase efficiency for end users. 


In July 2002, to amazon created the subsidiary Amazon Web Services, with the aim of “enabling developers to create innovative and enterprise applications on their own”. In March 2006, Amazon launched its Simple Storage Service (S3), followed by Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) in August of the same year. These products pioneered the use of server virtualization to provide IaaS at a cheaper price and on demand.https://aws.amazon.com/en/s3/

In April 2008, Google released the beta version of Google App Engine . App Engine was a PaaS (one of the first of its kind) that provided a fully maintained infrastructure and deployment platform for users to build web applications using common languages/technologies such as Python , node.js and PHP . The objective was to eliminate the need for some administrative tasks typical of a IaaS , while creating a platform where users can easily deploy these applications and scale them on demand.

In early 2008, the nebula of NASA , enhanced in the European Commission-funded RESERVOIR project, became the first open source software for private and hybrid cloud deployment and for cloud federation. 

In mid-2008, Gartner saw an opportunity for cloud computing “to shape the relationship between consumers of IT services, those who use IT services, and those who sell them” and noted that “organizations are switching hardware of enterprise ownership and software assets to per-use service-based models,” so that the “projected shift to computing…will result in dramatic growth in IT products in some areas and significant reductions in other areas.” 

In 2008, the US National Science Foundation started the program Exploratory Cluster to fund academic research using cluster technology Google – IBM to analyze large amounts of data.

In 2009, the government of France announced Project Andromède to create a “sovereign cloud” or national cloud computing, with the government spending €285 million. The initiative failed seriously and cloudwatt was closed on February 1, 2020. 

years 2010 

In February 2010, the Microsoft launched Microsoft Azure , which was announced in October 2008.

In July 2010, the Rackspace Hosting and to NASA jointly launched a cloud software initiative open source known as OpenStack . The OpenStack project was intended to help organizations offering cloud computing services that run on standard hardware. The initial code came from nebula platform of NASA, as well as the platform Rackspace Cloud Files . As an open source offering and along with other open source solutions such as CloudStack, Ganeti and OpenNebula, it has attracted attention from several major communities. Several studies aim to compare these open source offerings based on a set of criteria. 

On March 1, 2011, IBM announced the framework IBM SmartCloud to support the Smarter Planet . Among the various components of the base of the smart computing , cloud computing is a critical part. On June 7, 2012, Oracle announced Oracle Cloud. This cloud offering is poised to be the first to provide users with access to an integrated suite of IT solutions, including the Application layers ( SaaS ), Platform ( PaaS ) and Infrastructure ( IaaS ).

In May 2012, Google Compute Engine was released in preview, before being released to general availability in December 2013.

In 2019, Linux was the most common operating system used on Microsoft Azure. In December 2019, Amazon announced AWS Outposts, which is a fully managed service that extends AWS infrastructure, AWS services, APIs, and tools to virtually any customer data center, co-location space, or on-premises facility for a seamless experience. hybrid.

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