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Snow Commander (former Embotics Commander)

Snow Software

Snow Software, leader in Gartner's magic quadrant in Software Asset Management (Software Asset Management SAM) and Cloud Management Platform CMP, acquired in December 2019 Embotics, a hybrid cloud management company headquartered in Austin, Texas, USA. Snow Software's Cloud Automation product is now called Snow Software Commander.

Snow Software customers gain the ability to analyze and manage their entire infrastructure, whether private cloud or public cloud, regardless of vendor and as part of a hybrid information technology environment strategy using Snow Software Commander.

About Snow Commander (ex Embotics)

Founded in 2006, Embotics offers a cloud management solution that enables automated provisioning, cost savings and ensures governance in private, public, hybrid and multi-cloud environments. The customer list includes a number of well-known names, including NASA and HBO, as well as service providers.

Embotics CEO Jay Litkey said the following about the company in an interview: “We built Embotics to provide enterprises with an easier, faster, platform-neutral and fully integrated solution for managing the hybrid cloud (Cloud Automation and Cloud Management).

Today, these organizations are strategically combining local, private, public and multi-cloud architectures and this requires a flexible, multi-faceted approach to gaining agility through automation, controlling costs, risks and complementing software asset management. .

By joining forces with Snow Software, Embotics, creating the Snow Commander Embotics product, Snow Commander Embotics will continue to address these questions and respond to the next generation of challenges with integrated capabilities on a global scale. Both organizations have a customer-centric DNA and a commitment to innovation that will help us achieve our shared vision of technology intelligence,” said Jay Litkey.

Demand for multi-cloud management with cost control and security

Over the past five years, we've seen technologies like serverless, containers and eadge/IoT enter the CIO and CEO's agenda. These new technologies have made a large part of the cloud consumption currently occur in an ad-hoc or pulverized way in several IaaS, SaaS and Paas providers, especially within large organizations, generating demand for cloud automation.

This availability of cloud resources pay-as-you-go public gave birth to SHADOW IT, where an organization's end users bypass IT and use a variety of cloud resources directly via credit card or open contracts with vendors like Microsoft Azure, AWS and Google Cloud Platform.

Evidence of what this is talking about is that 58% of enterprises actively use at least two of the three big cloud services (AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud), according to Kentik's survey of 310 cloud professionals attending the AWS conference re: Invent of 2019.

The report of the Kentik, titled AWS Cloud Adoption, Visibility & Management, examines the challenges to cloud management, monitoring, visibility, and cost control.

Multi-cloud is more common than hybrid cloud

Nearly 60% of respondents indicated that they are actively using more than one of the top three cloud service providers (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud). About 40% actively use two cloud service providers and 18% use all three.

Only 33% of respondents reported using hybrid cloud, with at least one cloud service provider, as well as some type of traditional infrastructure (on premises or co-location in third-party data centers).

AWS + Microsoft Azure is the most common combo: 97% of survey respondents reported that their organization actively uses AWS. However, 35% of respondents said their organization also actively uses Azure, and 24% reported using both AWS and Google Cloud Platform.

Cloud management (FINops and Cloud Management) is the biggest challenge: about 30% of respondents said their biggest cloud management challenge is cost management, with security next at 22% of responses.

Various monitoring tools: While 54% reported having a cloud monitoring tool for visibility into their cloud applications, log management (48%), application performance management (40%), open source tools (34%) and network performance management (25%), are also being used.

Cloud visibility: Nearly 60% of respondents are using at least two tools for visibility into their cloud applications. About 35% of respondents use three or more tools for cloud visibility.

AWS Spend Analysis: 10% of respondents said their organization still uses spreadsheets to manually track AWS spend. About 56% of respondents use native tools within AWS (eg CloudWatch or AWS Cost Explorer) to track and manage cloud service costs.

Other 30% use third-party commercial tools known as the Cloud Management Platform, in this case Snow Software Commander Embotics and Vwmare CloudHealth.

Emerging Challenges in Cloud Management

The dynamic information technology landscape continues to evolve, bringing with it new challenges and opportunities for modern organizations. In the context of cloud management, the demand for operational efficiency, cost control and security has never been more pressing. As technologies such as serverless, containers and edge/IoT gain prominence, the complexity of the cloud environment increases, resulting in ad-hoc and dispersed adoption. The growing incidence of Shadow IT, where end users bypass traditional IT policies, highlights the urgent need for comprehensive cloud automation solutions.

Kentik's research reveals that 58% of companies already actively use two of the three main cloud services. This panorama, marked by multi-cloud, highlights the need for robust cloud management strategies. Only 33% of respondents opt for hybrid cloud, indicating a preference for more diverse environments. In this context, Snow Software Commander Embotics emerges as an integrated and effective response to face emerging challenges in cloud management.

The Future of IT Governance and Cloud Excellence

As organizations seek to optimize their IT operations in hybrid and multicloud environments, effective governance becomes essential. We give 4MATT Technology, we are a strategic partner on the journey to cloud excellence. Our expert consultants are ready to offer personalized support, strategic guidance and innovative solutions to ensure your organization is at the forefront of digital transformation. Contact us today to explore how we can help your business thrive in an ever-evolving technology landscape.

The complexity of the modern IT environment demands solutions that span both on-premises and cloud infrastructure, driving the need for effective hybrid cloud management. Snow Software’s technology intelligence solutions provide a unified platform for managing hybrid cloud and multicloud management environments, ensuring comprehensive visibility and control.

Cost optimization is a priority for any organization, and cloud cost management plays a crucial role in this process. Snow Software’s tools allow companies to monitor and control their cloud costs, both in public and private clouds, identifying cost optimization opportunities and avoiding unnecessary expenses. Cloud costs can be complex, and it is common for end users to use credit cards to purchase cloud resources, generating Shadow IT. Visibility and governance over these expenses is essential.

Traditional data center management also benefits from Snow Software solutions, complementing the management of cloud environments. The ability to integrate data from different sources, including public and private clouds, allows for a holistic view of the IT infrastructure, facilitating cloud governance and strategic decision-making.

Integration with other tools and platforms is essential to maximize the value of Snow Software solutions. Features such as Snow Boots, which facilitate integration with different environments, and the ability to manage SaaS applications and SaaS management are examples of this.

For those looking for a more playful analogy, imagine that the IT environment is a vast and complex kingdom. To protect it, you need strong guardians and powerful tools. Snow Software, with its solutions, acts as a fierce guardianship for your IT assets. And to face the challenges of the digital environment, you can count on allies such as the icebreaker kraken, which breaks down the barriers of complexity, or the berg strider, which navigates through data with agility.

Just like in a strategy game, where the thespians stage allows you to adapt to different scenarios, Snow Software solutions offer flexibility and adaptability to manage ever-changing IT environments. To face climate challenges, you can count on the icefang coatl and coldsteel heart, which protect your assets from the cold of inefficiency. And to unlock the secrets of the IT environment, you can use the glacial revelation, which reveals valuable insights.

In complex scenarios, the ability to generate additional resources such as dimir signet to speed up processes, or use the versatility of aqueous form to adapt resources, are crucial. The ability to use spirit of the aldergard to strengthen security, or boreal outrider to explore new opportunities, are examples of how Snow Software tools can be used.

Just like in an epic confrontation, where the torment of hailfire and the avalanche caller can devastate your enemies, Snow Software solutions can eliminate bottlenecks and optimize the use of resources. And to ensure agility and efficiency, you can count on swiftfoot boots and pilfering hawk, which speed up processes and optimize the use of resources.

Identity and access management is also critical to security and compliance. Features such as draugr necromancer, which controls access to sensitive data, and heidar rimewind master, which ensures identity security, are examples of how Snow Software solutions can strengthen the security of your IT environment.

And to face the challenges of the future, you can count on allies such as the Kruphix God of Horizons, who expands possibilities, and the Jorn God of Winter, who protects your assets. And to ensure resilience and business continuity, you can count on the Marit Lages and the Narfi Betrayer King, who represent the ability to adapt and overcome challenges.

Just like in a winter's tale, where the rimefeather owl and rime transfusion bring wisdom and transformation, Snow Software solutions offer valuable insights and transform IT management. And to face the toughest challenges, you can count on the hailstorm valkyrie and conifer wurm, which represent strength and resilience. And to ensure the prosperity of your kingdom, you can count on the shimmerdrift vale and woodland chasm, which represent abundance and security.

Snow Software's technology intelligence platform provides a unified, comprehensive view of the IT environment, enabling businesses to optimize costs, reduce risk, and drive innovation. Contact us today and find out how we can help your company achieve excellence in IT asset management and cloud.

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