SAM Software Asset Management: Why Should I Invest?

If you or your company uses software as a work tool or for digital transformation, it is very important to ensure that software contracts are efficiently managed and for this we present Software Asset Management. This is what the article on IT governance best practices shows.

Also, a method that has been adopted by many companies is software asset management, which is a methodology based on ISO 19770-2017 that brings advantages to a company as a whole, in addition to improving asset performance and reducing software license costs. Do you know why your company should invest in software asset management? Check out the advantages of this option here!

Mindmap gestão de ativos de software SAM

What is SAM?

SAM Software Asset Management Software Asset Management, is a business practice that involves the entire IT asset lifecycle, such as managing and optimizing the purchase, deployment, maintenance, utilization and retirement (lifetime) of software within an organization.

According to the  Information Technology Infrastructure Library  (ITIL), SAM is defined as “… all the infrastructure and processes necessary for the effective management, control and protection of software assets… throughout all stages of their lifecycle.

Primarily intended to be part of an organization's information technology business strategy, SAM's goals are to reduce information technology (IT) costs and limit business and legal risks related to software ownership and use, at the same time. where it maximizes IT responsiveness, end-user productivity and reduces costs.

SAM is particularly important to large corporations when it comes to redistributing licenses and managing the legal risks associated with software ownership and expiration. SAM processes and technologies track license expiration, thereby enabling the company to function ethically and within software compliance standards.

This can be important both to eliminate legal costs associated with breaching license agreements and as part of a company's reputation management strategy. Both are important forms of risk management and are fundamental to the long-term business strategies of large corporations.

SAM is a facet of a broader business discipline known as IT asset management, which includes overseeing both the software and hardware assets that make up an organization's corporate computers and networks.

In Brazil and the World there are some communities that are enthusiastic about this subject, such as SAM Brazil and ITAM Review with important information and free materials.

How does it work?

For this management to work correctly, there are some steps and good practices that must be followed, they are:

Planning, in which the collection of information and the definition of the schedule take place;

data collectiontaking inventory of IT infrastructure software assets so you can map how that data relates to your company's strategies;

Data analysis, in which everything that has been collected is evaluated so that it is possible to find a way to optimize the processes.

Final presentation, in which the results obtained are presented through documents and future recommendations, as well as an action plan.

What are the advantages of Software Asset Management?

In addition to optimization, this methodology brings direct advantages that can be perceived in your company. Advantages such as:

Cost reduction and scratchs: management eliminates or relocates licenses that may be underutilized and avoids the payment of fines or indemnities for any breach of contract, ensuring that the company correctly follows standardized processes and controlling costs.

more security: with the organization of licenses and software, eliminating applications that are not supported in the IT environment, the chance of having some risk or vulnerability to invasions and viruses through pirated software ceases to exist, and good management makes it possible for the company to manage quickly recover from cases of data loss and other damage.

More time and productivity: Because the reference and support materials are organized, easy to access, users can make fewer mistakes and save more time, which increases productivity and makes strategic decisions reliably made. Thus, the company stands out more and achieves a competitive advantage over its competitors, following good corporate governance.

Therefore, a Software Asset Management is a great way to keep your company's systems safe and organized in a productive and efficient way, making all areas positively affected with business opportunities and the company being highlighted in the market. .

SAM, HAM or ITAM: understand the terms

We'll now talk about three acronyms that will constantly appear in your asset management searches: SAM, HAM and ITAM. It is essential that there is familiarity with these expressions and that they do not go off your radar.

Software Asset Management (SAM), or software asset management, is perhaps the most popular of the terms. This is the process used to make decisions to purchase and/or renew software contracts.

Hardware Asset Management (HAM), in turn, is the terminology pertinent to the material or physical resources of the Information Technology park. Considering that hardware components occupy physical space in companies, monitoring their lifecycle becomes increasingly important.

IT Asset Management (ITAM), finally, consists of the practice of integrated management of all technological assets belonging to the organization. Both SAM and HAM are part of ITAM, composing a broad perspective on the performance of corporate networks. An ideal program should address both aspects of achieving good corporate governance.

Good practices in asset management

Achieving an adequate level of maturity in the asset management process can take time. The IT inventory is, of course, an early stage of practice. However, the application of some good practices helps so that the technique is added to the organizational culture. Here are some items that can guide you in implementing a Software Asset Management culture:

  • ITIL: Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) is a framework to be applied in the management of IT infrastructure, operation and services. This library of best practices encompasses the knowledge accumulated by companies around the world.
  • ISO 20000: The first worldwide standard that discusses the requirements and best practices for Quality Management of IT Services.
  • ISO 27001 and 27002: Both standards address guidelines for an Information Security Management System (ISMS). They indicate the importance of structuring and maintaining an inventory of assets in organizations.
  • ISO 19770: The 19770 family of standards presents a series of frameworks and standards to be followed to implement and prove an IT Asset Management process.
  • ISO 55000: International standard that offers an overview of terminology, requirements and indications for IT Asset Management.

Main Software Asset Management Platforms

Flexera Software: Flexera Software was a global leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant in the years 2018 and 2019 in Software Asset Management solutions (Software Asset Management SAM) and Software License Optimization. Its solutions allow companies to gain visibility and control of IT assets.

ServiceNow: ServiceNow has been investing heavily in its Software Asset Management platform and, therefore, in 2021 it can already be considered one of the main Software Asset Management platforms in the world market, especially after the release of Release Roma.

Snow Software: Founded in Stockholm in 1997, Snow Software has rapidly evolved into a market leader and the largest dedicated developer of software asset management and cloud management tools. Today, it offers a comprehensive set of cloud, software, hardware and infrastructure solutions for organizations around the world.

If you liked this type of content and want to know more about software cost management, IT governance and how to optimize processes within your business, check out other posts in our site!

We have a lot of tips and information that you may find useful, and if you have any questions, please contact us. Our qualified team is ready to answer all your questions!

Did you know that 4Matt Tecnologia consultants are PIONEERS in Software Asset Management in Brazil? Contact us

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